Trade Show Resources

Connecting you to helpful resources is our goal! Here you can view current product availability, create a Star Track® account, or sign up for our e-newsletter to receive our most important updates in your inbox once a month.

Trade Show Resources

Connecting you to helpful resources is our goal! Here you can view current product availability, create a Star Track® account, or sign up for our e-newsletter to receive our most important updates in your inbox once a month.

Industry Professionals / Resources / Trade Show Resources

Product Availability 

Click here to download our most recent availability report.

Star Track® 

This tool allows you to view availability, place and manage orders, track shipments, create claims, and more. Sign up for an account here.

Know & Grow Newsletter

Subscribe to our email newsletter. Each month we’ll send you the top 2–3 items you need to know, our current availability report, and helpful plant-related resources.